Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Today I read that my beautiful niece Jasmine is leaving middle school and all it's crazy awkwardness behind. I'm so happy for her and blessed to have such a role model for daughter to look up to. Anybody who has seen Jaz knows that she has one of the best smiles in the world. If seeing her smile, doesn't make you smile than there is something seriously wrong with you.
Ever since I was born I have had crazy chubby cheeks. When I smile, they about triple in size. For some weird reason I have always been self conscious about my smile because of my chubby cheeks. Today though I saw my smile differently than I usually do. A friend of mine told me I should smile more and for some reason it clicked (for tonight at least) that this is the smile that God gave to me to share with the world. So I'm going to try and smile more often and not think about my chubby cheeks.


Brandi said...

you should always smile more. never worry about what anyone else thinks about you, what matters is what you think & feel.

...and my opinion... of course....

Doanz said...

Keep smiling, Nickers. We love you and your adorable cheeks!
Your sis,